IT feels like a very long time ago that we were talking about dementia tax and U-turns.

The news agenda since Monday night has been dominated by events in Manchester and the ongoing counter-terror efforts.

This is only right and proper. It is also correct that the election campaign was halted. 

There will be no ideal time for the electioneering to restart - but restart it must.

Our democracy is one of the things that sets us apart from terrorists. Lighting candles, wearing black armbands, and holding vigils are all well and good but the most powerful act of defiance we can show cowards who target defenceless children is to make it clear that the ballot box is stronger than any nail bomb.

For the families caught up in Monday’s tragedy the period of mourning will go on for the rest of their lives. 

The rest of us need to get back to normal life. 

Politicians should re-engage the debates on the care crisis, taxes, the NHS and immigration without being made to feel they are disrespectful or what they are saying sounds trivial when families are burying loved ones.

Unless the campaign starts again in the next few days then Theresa May must give serious consideration to suspending the General Election indefinitely.

The popularity of Prime Ministers often soars when they are appearing to lead the country through a crisis. Mrs May is getting an awful lot of air time at the moment as she deploys armed troops on the streets of London and projects an image of being control.

The circumstances are awful but the last few days have enabled her to put her manifesto wobble to one side and regain her composure. 

If we are to conduct a robust and fair election then we need to get back to the rough and tumble of the campaign trail before it goes cold.