As an octogenarian in many respects I am shooting myself in the foot when I highlight recent serious local road accidents involving elderly drivers and suggest that at 70 years of age drivers should be obliged to retake a test.

Since originally passing their test traffic volume and speeds have increased and our roads are far more dangerous demanding the utmost concentration.

The current renewal system is, to my mind, patently flawed and fraught with danger allowing drivers to simply self certificate to the DVLA that they meet the medical demands and are physically fit to continue with their motoring life despite at times being advised not to do so.

I also firmly believe that if a GP or optician informs a patient to stop driving it should be that professional’s personal responsibility to inform the DLA of their decision.

I would go one step further and recommend a further test every three years despite the fact this would be a bureaucratic nightmare.

Statistically there are 5.6 million drivers on our roads over 70, 1.6 million over 80 and an unbelievable 510 over 100 years of age!

As our population increases we need robust mechanisms in place to ensure all road users are kept safe.

Jim Oldcorn