A STOCKTON primary school in a tough neighbourhood has once again been rated 'good' by Ofsted inspectors.

The full Ofsted report into Tilery Primary School in north Stockton has not yet been published, but the school's headteacher, John Repton, has received a letter from the inspectors informing him of the positive rating and praising both pupils and staff.

Areas the school could improve include striving to provide better results for very young children and maintaining a "relentless" focus on writing to match that already achieved in maths and reading.

The Tilery estate was featured nationally on Channel 4's Benefits Street programme last year and the previous report, published in 2011, noted the school was the main host for children of asylum seekers and percentage of children on free school meals was "well above average."

However Ofsted inspectors, who visited the school on January 12 this year, had a lot of praise for staff, parents and teachers,

They described the school as; "a warm and friendly place," and said staff were; "relentless in ensuring pupils are safe and work together to promote the school ethos of mutual respect and openness."

Pupils were described as: "polite and courteous with a good attitude to learning," who: "make good progress across the school and those who need to catch up are doing so quickly."

In an online survey undertaken by Ofsted, parents’ views of the school were described as "overwhelmingly positive."

Mr Repton said: "The whole school community can be very proud of this report. It is a highly positive and highlights many features of the school that we believe are at the very heart of our work.”