ANTI-TORY protestors have spoken about the moment they disrupted Boris Johnson’s Brexit rally.

Four women and a child attended the Newcastle meeting to tell the Mayor of London that his politics weren’t welcome in the North-East.

Shortly after Mr Johnson took to the stage, the group began to loudly heckle before being ushered out of the venue.

They shouted “No Tories in Newcastle” and “Go home, Boris, you’re not welcome in our town”.

Mr Johnson retaliated by saying he was used to hecklers and was often insulted on the streets of London.

The protestors’ actions briefly disrupted the rally but dominated media coverage of it, something the group are particularly proud of.

Charity worker Katie Liddle, 38, said she had initially booked tickets in a bid to see Mr Johnson speak in an empty room.

Ms Liddle explained: “I was hoping to encourage others to book tickets and not go.

“Then a few of us decided to go along, stand up and say something.

“The Tories do absolutely nothing for the North-East except cut our services.

“We are the region most affected by cuts and this will get worse if we leave the EU.

“The North-East are never going to vote for them so they’re never going to do anything to help us.

“For Boris Johnson to come here and ask us a favour is a bit cheeky.”

She added: “This was not about leaving the EU – one of us will even vote to leave.

“It’s about a Tory coming to Newcastle and asking a favour from the people of my city who have been so hard done to by them.”

The group of left-wing protestors met through the Milk the Cow podcast, available at