A COMMUNITY safety event will be held on an estate in an attempt to clamp down on anti-social behaviour.

A range of agencies will join forces to stage the event at Burbank in Hartlepool on Wednesday January 27 from 6-8pm.

They include Victim Support, members of the local Neighbourhood Policing team, Housing Hartlepool, Crime Prevention Officers and Anti-Social Behaviour Officers.

Hartlepool Police will locate a command vehicle at the junction of Burbank Street and Clark Street which will provide a ‘drop-in’ point for residents to highlight any issues they may have.

Special equipment will also be used to project community safety advice and information onto buildings in the area.

Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Jean Shenava said: “This event is being organised in direct response to an increased number of reports about anti-social behaviour in the Burbank area and we hope that residents will come and talk to us in confidence about their concerns.”