THE Transporter Bridge will remain closed into mid-November to allow further repainting and repair works to take place.

The extension is a result of the preparatory work required for the repainting proving to be more extensive than had been originally anticipated for the bridge that spans the River Tees.

While the bridge’s gondola is out of operation, a free replacement bus service between Middlesbrough and Port Clarence will operate to minimise disruption to commuters.

However, should a major incident occur on the A19 which results in lane restrictions or a closure, Middlesbrough Council has said every effort will be made to suspend the works for a short time and allow the Transporter Bridge to operate as an alternative route.

Councillor Nicky Walker, the council’s executive member for environment, said: “The repainting of the bridge is an extensive project that is a vital part of the maintenance of this unique structure.

“While this further closure is an inconvenience to users, it is hoped the replacement bus service will minimise disruption caused.

“We believe the long-term benefits of the improvement works, in evidence through the commencement of piling work for the new lift, will outweigh the short-term inconvenience.”

The installation of a lift is part of the ongoing renovation and improvement works supported by a £2.6m Heritage Lottery Fund award which will also include renovation of the gondola and refurbishment of the Transporter Bridge Visitor Centre.

A timetable for the replacement bus service, in operation during the bridge’s closure, can be found at