YOUNG scientists experimented with exploding custard at a fun event today, Wednesday, March 13.

The idea of the Big Bang Science event at Stockton Riverside College was to inspire young people to take an interest in science, maths and engineering.

Pupils from across Teesside attended to hear Professor Pete Edwards, from Durham University, talk about cosmology and the Big Bang.

The youngsters then took part in a number of puzzles and spoke to local businesses from the area, including UK Steel Enterprise, about engineering and science.

The college’s own physics teacher, Bernard Taylor, who organised the event, staged the Exploding Custard Roadshow to try and get across the fun of the subject.

He said: “We want to show the next generation of students that science, technology , engineering and maths are fun and exciting subjects. The aim is to inspire pupils to show how exciting and relevant these subjects are to them and the potential careers available.

“Our very own Exploding Custard Roadshow will also provide some entertainment with fire and flying objects.”