OFF-ROAD bikers in south Durham have launched a search for land for a legal track that will not annoy the neighbours.

Members of the Pit Bike Forum are scouring the area for somewhere to ride their bikes following many complaints over noise and dangerous riding on public highways and footpaths.

The campaign is being led by riders in Spennymoor who appealed for any landowners with suitable fields to come forward.

Rider Richard Foster, 30, said ideally the track would be open for the spring but a site had to be found.

He said: “We know people complain about the noise which is why we want it far away from everyone.

“If we can get half the riders off the streets then that’s better than it is now.”

The campaign has received support from local councillors and the police.

County councillor Kevin Thompson said: “It sounds like good common sense.

“Reports of noisy bikes and people early getting hit are regular at Police And the Community Together (Pact) meetings.

“I can understand the frustrations of the riders as well because a lot of them are just genuine people who want to enjoy themselves and aren’t out to make a nuisance of themselves.”

Town councillor and dog walker Christine Sproat said she had suffered several near misses from bikes on bridle paths.

She said: “They damage the surfaces and are a nuisance and danger to all other users.

“A track would be a good idea so long as it’s far enough away to not cause noise for neighbours.”

According to police figures, since January police have issued notices or seized 29 motorbikes in the Spennymoor area.

Officers responded to 44 illegal riders in Bishop Auckland, 42 in Newton Aycliffe, 25 in Crook and three in Teesdale.

Neighbourhood inspector for Spennymoor Bill Bentham said the track was a “great idea”.

The inspector said: “Anything that gets the children and adults off the road onto proper, legitimate tracks I am totally for.

“According to statistics motorbikes are the most dangerous mode of transport.”

Anyone who can help with land for the track can contact Mr Foster on 07756521629or email