THOUSANDS of starlings have swooped in an incredible aerial display.

Andrew Caley was driving to his Strensall, York home when he saw the stunning display overhead.

Mr Caley said: "For the last three nights I was driving past and saw people staring into the sky. I got out of my car and could see starlings whirling around, and decided to go back in the evening and get some photos."

The RSPB said experts believe the hypnotic events, known as a murmurations, took place to ensure safety in numbers from natural predators, and the birds also gathered to keep warm at night and exchange information on good feeding areas before roosting for the night.

Mr Caley said: "There were thousands and thousands. I've seen smaller murmurations here, but this is the biggest I've ever seen in the five years I've been here.

"They were at it for 20, 25 minutes, then they vanished pretty quickly. It's amazing how quickly they disappeared from view, they just dove to the ground."