A SCHOOL headmaster has completed a gruelling 188-mile trek - to help give his pupils a better sporting chance.

Terrington Hall, an independent prep school in the Howardian Hills near Malton, is currently building a new all-weather sports facility.

And to help raise cash headmaster Stephen Mulryne walked 188-miles in ten days, hiking from Terrington St Clements in Norfolk back to the school, raising £4,000.

A sunburnt Mr Mulryne was greeted at Malton’s marketplace by friends, parents, staff and pupils of the school who then accompanied him for the last leg of his journey back to Terrington.

“It was overwhelming to have so many of the school turning out to support me,” he said.

“I was never so relieved to see the gates of the school and to have more than 50 parents, pupils and staff by my side made it a very special moment indeed.

“Walking for ten days, camping out every night and carrying everything on my back had proved an endurance test beyond anything I had imagined.

“My feet were certainly in a very bad place by the time I returned.”

He added: “Without doubt it was the tremendous support I received from my family and the school which kept me going.”

After a year of planning and fundraising, work is now underway on the construction of the school’s sand-dressed synthetic turf pitch, which will measure 80m by 40m. It is expected to be completed in time for the start of the new academic year in September.

The new facility will provide a hockey pitch, tennis courts and netball courts - and will also be available as an all-weather training surface for football, rugby and cricket.

Mr Mulryne said: “This capital development project marks a very exciting time for Terrington Hall and will revolutionise the school’s sporting provision for its current and future pupils.”