THE Families and Friends of Abbey Care, a charity support group, made up of the families and friends of the residents of Abbey Care, have been raising funds for the of the residents of the Dementia care home in Scorton, North Yorkshire.

The Families and Friends of Elizabeth House residents and the staff have been working hard to improve the walled garden that the residents use.

With money donated from the Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Foundation we have been able to purchase materials to start making the garden into a stimulating and sensory area for the residents to enjoy.

The advice on how to make the changes and the real hard preparation of jet washing the paths, putting membranes down and gravelling all the beds was done by gardener Wendy and her colleagues Gill and Greg, and paid for by one of the residents’ families.

Working parties of family members, staff and members of a local army regiment have all helped in the work. Our thanks go to everyone who has helped, to Wendy and her colleagues, the local Tarmac quarry in Scorton, Mick Ramsay Plant Hire in Scorton for collecting the gravel, Scorton Parish Council who provided containers, and of course all the staff and families and friends.

It was lovely too that some of the residents joined in and helped when we were busy digging and weeding. Our last fund raising event was a Spring Fair at Elizabeth House on Saturday 23 April.

The money raised will go towards paying for flowers, plants, bird boxes etc.

The proposed garden plans include a Seaside area with memorabilia, sand, buckets, spades etc and plants and flowers to encourage birds and butterflies.

Rose bushes were donated and planted by family members, and we hope to have the garden looking it’s best for the residents to enjoy soon. If anyone has surplus plants, shrubs or bedding plants they don‘t need, all donations would be welcome.

We would also welcome any wartime or old memorabilia that would help with memory areas that the activity coordinator is developing for the residents.

Please bring any donations along to Elizabeth House, Abbey Care Village, Scorton, North Yorkshire.

Based on information supplied by susan katharine platt.