CONCERNS over irresponsible parking near school gates and entrances has led to the launch of a new walk-to-school scheme.

Members of the Safer Hambleton partnership joined forces with Broomfield primary school in Northallerton for the scheme.

The initiative was designed to encourage parents to leave their cars at home or, for those that have to drive, to consider parking further away and walking part of the journey.

The children also got involved by designing their own leaflets highlighting and promoting the benefits of walking.

Over the past 20 years, research shows that the percentage of children travelling to school by car has increased dramatically, with the majority of journeys being less than two miles. At 8.50am it is estimated that almost one in five cars on the road are on the school run.

However the benefits of walking to school are numerous - it not only reduces the amount of congestion near school gates but it also promotes a healthy body.

Teachers consider that the walk to school makes children brighter, more alert and ready for the first class of the day.

It also teaches road safety skills in preparation for independent travel to secondary school – and saves petrol costs and wear and tear on the car.

PCSO Dani Griffin said: “The walk-to-school scheme has been really well supported by parents and children and has made a difference in the level of traffic around the school gates in the morning.

“Walking to school has also given the children the opportunity to learn and practice valuable road safety skills.”