A GREAT great grandmother is marking her 100th birthday with a trip to see the Queen's former floating residence.

Hilda Manning, of Bedale, North Yorkshire, who was born a month after Britain entered the First World War, will tour Edinburgh and visit the Royal Yacht Britannia with her family to celebrate her centenary.

Mrs Manning, who moved to the town 55 years ago after her first husband, Les Harvey, who died in 1964, was demobbed from nearby RAF Leeming.

The former lathe turner and NAAFI worker re-married in 1968, after meeting Dan Manning while working at the RAF base.

Mrs Manning, who has four children, 13 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild, also marked her birthday with a tea party at Tom Hall Court, in Bedale.

She said she believed lots of walking and joining Hambleton Strollers aged 90, abstaining from smoking and only having an occasional alcoholic drink had helped her to reach the milestone.