POLICE in North Yorkshire are using criminals’ cash to launch a campaign targeting bogus callers and help prevent distraction burglaries.

The campaign is centred around a video which has been funded by money raised from the sale of a vehicle owned by a gang of convicted distraction burglars.

The cash has also funded supporting material to help older and vulnerable people keep unwanted callers at bay.

The film shows a reconstruction of a typical distraction burglary and the effect it has on the victim and her family, including her granddaughter.

Elderly and vulnerable people are the main target of such criminals and the new campaign aims to raise awareness among older people, their families and carers, of how distraction burglars operate and what to do when confronted with an unexpected caller at their door.

The campaign is spearheaded by Detective Chief Inspector Steve Smith who said: "A distraction burglary is one of the most cowardly crimes we have to deal with. Those who target vulnerable, older people who are both trusting and often frail deserve, and receive our fullest attention.

"By raising awareness among older people that it is not rude to refuse to allow someone in their house who they don't know, we want to prevent this type of crime happening in North Yorkshire.

"Having investigated a series of such offences across the country, I have seen only too well, the effect it has on older people.

"They can become withdrawn, their health can deteriorate and in some very sad cases they never recover from their ordeal.

“Older people should be allowed to live in peace without suffering the distress which these people cause. It is beholden on all of us to take notice of those who come calling in these circumstances."

Raising awareness among family members, friends and carers is also part of the campaign.

Ch Insp Smith said: "We want family members of older and vulnerable people to help them understand that it is not rude to refuse to let people into their homes.”

The film will be presented at various engagement events across the county, including day centres, community centres and schools abd a shorter, silent version will be shown on screens in seven libraries across North Yorkshire.

The video can also be seen at youtube.com/watch?v=3RJ64gFo0s0