IF you go down to the woods next weekend, you're in for a big surprise.

For the annual Nightwatch is set for Dalby Forest on Saturday, August 7.

People are invited to take a view stars, bats and owls in the 8,600-acre wood near Pickering.

Telescopes from Scarborough and Ryedale Astronomical Society will be trained skywards to look at galaxies millions of light years away, dying stars and diamond-shaped globular clusters.

Wildlife experts will use harmless traps to catch moths and find bats with electronic detectors, and Sparky the Barn owl will put in an appearance.

Forest ranger Mark Barker said: "The forest at night is a magical place. The Milky Way arches overhead - a sight all too rare these days - while owls hoot and bats flutter through the air."

The event is based at Dalby Forest Visitor Centre and runs between 8pm and 11.30pm. Booking is not required. Tickets cost £5 for adults and £3 for children under 14.

Visitors are advised to take a torch, warm clothing and binoculars. Visit forestry.gov.uk/yorkshireandthehumber, or call 01751472771.