A CLERIC who caused bitter controversy at one of the region’s great cathedrals has died at the age of 62.

John Methuen was the Dean of Ripon for ten years until he was forced to resign in 2005 following allegations of unseemly behaviour.

He died last week in London, where he had moved to following his departure, and had been in poor health.

The Bishop of Ripon, the Right Reverend John Packer, said: "I am saddened by the news of his death at such a relatively early age, and many in the city of Ripon and diocese as a whole will mourn his passing."

He added: "Although the circumstances of Dean John Methuen's departure from Ripon Cathedral were sad, he will also be remembered for his commitment and enthusiasm in promoting and developing the ministry of the cathedral, his strong emphasis on justice and peace, and his generosity and welcome in allowing the cathedral to be a place used by many groups and causes."

Dean Methuen’s Church career was left in ruins following his suspension in September 2004 in the wake of complaints about his autocratic style, a number of resignations by cathedral staff, allegations of excessive drinking and inappropriate area.

In an unusual move the Church levelled 21 charges against him of conduct unbecoming a clerk in holy orders and of serious, persistent or continuous neglect of duty.

They were due to be heard at a specially convened consistory court however the case never went ahead after he agreed to reign from his post.

Just weeks later he suffered another blow when he was banned from driving for a year after pleading guilty to a charge of drink-driving.