POLICE in North Yorkshire are taking to the streets to promote cycling safety and reduce injuries.

This summer, they will be supporting the successful Helmet Watch scheme from the Bicycle Helmet Initiative Trust, a charity that helps to reduce the number of children who are killed and injured every year in cycling accidents in the UK.

Youngsters aged between three and fifteen who are spotted by appointed officers and PCSOs wearing their bicycle helmets could receive an on-the-spot prize, a bookmark on how to fit a helmet correctly, an information card for parents and a prize draw card to win one of the bigger regional prizes.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Madgwick, said: "Helmet Watch is a great way of rewarding young people who wear a cycle helmet.

"A number of children are teased or even bullied for wearing a helmet and this scheme encourages every youngster to wear one."

He added: "Cycling is great fun. It’s good for the environment and an excellent way to keep fit but there are risks involved.

"Head injury is the biggest single cause of death and serious injury amongst young cyclists and wearing a helmet is proven to help minimise the risk of brain injury."

Trust founder Angela Lee said: "Last year, thanks to the help of Police Forces throughout the UK, 22,000 children were rewarded for wearing a helmet. This is a wonderful achievement."

Further information, safety advice and interactive games are available on bhit.org