UNSEASONALLY cold weather has prompted the organisers of Yorkshire in Bloom to cancel the spring round of judging for the first time in its history.

Officials were due to begin the process of judging the eagerly contested floral competition by visiting towns, villages and other communities throughout the Easter holidays and until April 12.

But the recent snowfall, below average temperatures and bitterly cold winds have made it impossible for the entrants to put on a good display of spring flowers.

The judges were instead forced to abandon spring judging and this year’s Yorkshire in Bloom awards will be based purely on summer displays.

In a statement to entrants, chairwoman Brendan Mowforth said: “To my knowledge I do not believe Yorkshire in Bloom has ever had to cancel a judging period.

“The decision has not been made lightly and is based on the prolonged severe weather conditions that we are currently experiencing which have followed on from the initial possibility of a drought early last summer to flooding, snow, severe frosts and freezing easterly winds through autumn, winter and now spring.

“In the last 12 months gardeners all over Yorkshire have been challenged to the highest level.”

She said the executive was currently considering the feasibility of spring judging, given the changes in weather patterns and seasons over recent years. She said they welcomed people’s views on the matter.

To give your views visit the website; www.yorkshireinbloom.co.uk and click on the spring judging post listed under latest news.