INNOVATIVE Esk Valley residents are launching a website and leaflet to raise awareness of their work for the environment and encourage others to join them.

The Esk Valley Community Energy Group will send the leaflet to homes and businesses in the Upper Esk Valley to provide details of projects it is undertaking and advice on energy saving.

The website has details of current schemes, including the hydro project for the River Esk and its tributaries.

Profits from the scheme will be ploughed back into the community.

Advice is also available on energy saving measures, including details of grants to improve home insulation.

The group hopes the website and leaflet will stimulate interest in tackling climate change locally.

Peter Jones, community renewable energy officer for the North York Moors National Park, said: "The group is entering a phase that will see small-scale renewable energy schemes installed in the Esk Valley, which will make a significant contribution towards meeting the national park's commitment to reducing carbon emission."

Colin Mather, group chairman, said: "We have made significant progress over the past year in assisting local households to reduce their own carbon footprints through energy efficiency and micro-generation.

"The launch of our website and the publication of the leaflet will increase awareness of energy options among residents and businesses throughout the Esk Valley."

Copies of the leaflet will be available in shops, surgeries and libraries throughout the Esk Valley.

For more details about the Egroup, call Peter Jones or Julie Holliday on 01439-770657.

Alternatively, visit eskvalleyener