EUROPE’S biggest free airshow gets underway tonight (Friday, July 24) with a packed programme of music and spectacular flying.

The world famous Red Arrows will be among those going through their paces at the launch party of the 27th Sunderland International Airshow, as well as on Saturday and Sunday.

Other displays taking to the skies tonight above Cliffe Park, will be the RAF Tutor, Hawk T2 Team, The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight – featuring a Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitfire – and the Eurofighter Typhoon.

The flying programme finishes with the Twister Duo Display Team, complete with their airborne pyrotechnics.

The musical line-up at this year’s launch at Cliffe Park will be headlined by the Illegal Eagles and include Ste Johnson and YUMA.

Other performers include local The Voice and Miss Sunderland contestant Olivia Lawson, starting the stage programme at 4pm, as well as The Lake Poets, George Shovlin and the Radars, and Her Majesty's Royal Marine Band (Scotland).

The evening closes with a spectacular firework display launched from the recently-refurbished Roker Pier at about 9.40pm.

Airshow Director Sue Stanhope said: "The free family fun on the Friday night is a great start to the weekend. I hope everyone will come down and join in with a fantastic evening of entertainment.”

On Saturday and Sunday there will be a full afternoon flying programmes, including a team of former Red Arrow pilots flying as the Blades and the OV-10B Bronco Demo Team.

On the ground, the Roker Park Family Zone will host all things action and adventure.

To round Saturday and Sunday off there will be a military demonstration showing the versatility of British Forces operation.

This addition to the flying programme will involve members of the Army and Navy in a role demonstration on the beach with lots of noise and action.

Due to the large crowds expected at the event visitors are encouraged to identify a specific meeting point on arrival and attach free wristbands to children and vulnerable adults.

The wristbands, available from the information points and police officers, are designed to have contact telephone numbers written on the reverse.

Airspace restrictions prohibit the use of any remote controlled flying gadgets along the seafront during the weekend and everyone is asked to observe this crucial safety restriction.

Several roads will be closed and extra buses will run, including park-and-ride buses.

For further information visit the Facebook page or Twitter on #SunAirshow.