A COUNTY Durham cadet officer has retired after notching up more than 52 years of service with the Air Training Corps.

Flt Lt David Button, from Murton, left his role at the Blackhall squadron at the end of December but is planning to continue with the organisation as a civilian.

He said: “It’s an organisation which when you’ve been in it as long as I have you can’t just leave.

“I’ve had an exciting and enjoyable career with them.”

He first joined the Seaham squadron as a cadet in 1964, at the age of 14 before progressing on to be a civilian instructor, adult warrant officer, and finally a commissioned officer in 1987.

In 1999 he was asked to take over the Blackhall squadron as it had reduced to just six members.

The 64-year-old said: “It was a problem squadron so I went to help out. Just before Christmas when I left there were over 30 cadets so it’s now a regular active squadron.”

He added: “It’s an organisation I’ve been in all my life and it’s not something you could be in for so long without missing.

“What makes it special is the things the cadets can do for young people, the benefits it can give them and the experiences they can get.

“I was a recipient as a cadet so I wanted to put in what I took out. It’s the premier youth organisation in the country.

Flt Lt Button has been given numerous awards including the Cadet Forces Medal, a Lord-Lieutenant’s Loyal and Meritorious Service Award, a Certificate of Good Service and a Certificate of Long and Meritorious Service.

Along the way, he has earned various qualifications such as first aid, mountain leader and was for many years a range conducting officer.

He has attended - and frequently been the Camp Commandant of - 37 camps between the years of 1973 and 2013.

Wing Commander Dave Harris, Officer Commanding Durham/Northumberland Wing, said: “Flt Lt Button has put his heart and soul into the development of Blackhall Squadron.”

“The continued viability and success of the Squadron over many years are testament to his dedication, tenacity and hard work.”

Flt Lt David Button retired from the Air Training Corps at the end of December 2016 having amassed 52 years of cadet and adult voluntary service to the organisation.

The Air Cadet Organisation is a uniformed voluntary youth organisation based on the Royal Air Force.

It offers a wide range of activities for young people ranging from flying and gliding to adventure training and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.