A MYSTERY £1m winning lottery ticket holder in Durham City has just one week to claim their fortune.

The Lotto Millionaire Raffle prize was bought in the city on October 31, and has the code BLUE 4869 0743.

The lucky ticket-holder has until Thursday, April 28 to make a claim.

A National Lottery spokesperson said: “Time really is running out for the winner of this prize, but we are still hopeful that someone will come forward at the very last minute to claim the money.

“We’re urging everyone to check their old tickets one final time or look anywhere a missing Lotto ticket could be hiding.

“This life-changing prize could really help to make dreams become a reality for someone out there.”

If no-one comes forward with the winning ticket before the prize claim deadline, then the prize money, plus all the interest it has generated, will go to help National Lottery-funded projects across the country.