A BOUQUET was placed at the top of a cathedral tower to mark National Flower Arranging Day.

Helena Johnson, a member of the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS) board, placed several small bouquets around Durham Cathedral including one at the top of the tower.

She said: “It is wonderful to be placing one of our lonely bouquets at the top of Durham Cathedral tower as part of the National Flower Arranging Day celebrations.

“The flower arrangers here at the cathedral do a huge amount of work throughout the year and many people do not realise the research that goes into these arrangements.

“Flower arrangements, especially in church, are not simply placed to look pretty, but often the types of flowers and foliage or the colours chosen have special significance too.

“Flower arrangements mean a huge amount to people when you think about when we use them: to celebrate, to mourn, to commemorate; flower arrangements and bouquets are an integral part of our culture and that is part of what we celebrate on this day.

“We also hope by placing these simple but beautiful lonely bouquets on Friday, May 1, more people will be inspired to have a go at flower arranging.

“It’s a great hobby that can be a lot of fun when you join a group and it’s a wonderful talent to have to be able to give beautiful arrangements to friends and family too.”