TWO Falklands veterans are to share their experiences of the conflict, 30 years on.

Ian Gardiner and Russ May will discuss the 1982 British-Argentinian conflict when they visit the Durham Light Infantry Museum and Durham Art Gallery, in Aykley Heads, Durham City, on Saturday, April 28.

Mr Gardiner, a former Royal Marine, will talk about commanding a rifle company in 45 Commando RM in Arbroath, which ‘yomped’ across East Falkland in mid-winter with little food before winning a night battle on Two Sisters, a hill near Port Stanley.

Mr Gardiner’s book The Yompers was published in February.

Mr May fought with the Royal Air Force Regiment, operating a Rapier surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile battery.

The pair will be at the museum from 11am to 4pm. Mr Gardiner will give a talk at 2pm.

Usual museum admission costs apply. For more information, call 0191-3842214.