A FORMER joiner who went on to play the violin in prominent North-East orchestras has celebrated his 100th birthday.

Norman Cockbain of Sacriston, County Durham, played for the Northern Sinfonia and the Durham String Orchestra - and in the days before sound was introduced to films, used to play the background soundtrack for silent movies at the cinema.

Mr Cockbain worked as a joiner in his early years at Sacriston Colliery with his father Elijah, before taking a job in housing maintenance at Chester-le-Street District Council.

His wife Nancy worked as a nurse during their married life and they had three sons together.

Mr Cockbain now has ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Apart from his family, Mr Cockbain’s greatest love has always been music in particular playing his violin.

He has also enjoyed passing on his musical skills and used to teach the violin as a hobby.

He said hard and enjoying the company of family and friends was his secret to a long and happy life.

Mr Cockbain said: "I owe a lot to my nurses and friends who have been very good to me. If it wasn’t for them I probably wouldn’t have made it to a hundred."

He celebrated his birthday at home with family and friends.

Durham County Council chairman Councillor Dennis Morgan and his wife Lynda were surprise visitors to see Mr Cockbain, who they presented with a card and a basket of flowers.

Coun Morgan said: "Norman is a lovely man and it has been a pleasure to spend some time with him on his very special birthday."