A CONCERT to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible is to be held later this month as part of a 60-date nationwide tour.

The Bible In Verse and Voice is to be staged at Durham Cathedral on Wednesday, March 23 at 7.30pm.

The concert features actor Lance Pierson, soprano Belinda Yates and pianist Heather Chamberlain who will perform highlights from Genesis to Revelation.

The performance fuses the words of the King James Bible with well-loved musical compositions from Handel, Haydn and Mendelssohn, together with a number of modern composers.

Lance Pierson said: "In addition to shaping the way we speak, the King James Bible also inspired vast amounts of music, in hymns, anthems, spirituals and oratorios.

"While the BBC and the Globe theatre are celebrating with readings of the text, only ‘In Voice and Verse’ are making use of the wonderful music available."

Tickets, priced £12 or £8 for concessions, are available from the Gala Theatre on 0191 332 4041 and at the Information Desk at the back of the Cathedral.