A NEW way for residents to have their say on how their council tax is spent will be launched later this month.

Durham County Council’s ‘Up 2 U’ scheme will begin in the Stanley area before being rolled out across the county.

Through Area Action Partnerships (AAPs), it aims to give people control over which projects get council funding.

Grants totalling £100,000 will be available for projects meeting each AAP’s priorities.

Stanley AAP has set its priorities as: regenerating the town and village centres, making areas safer, activities for young people and traffic management and the environment.

Councillor Carl Marshall, chair of Stanley AAP, said: "This new project gives residents the chance to say how much money is spent and what local projects are important to them.

"To apply for funding isn’t at all complicated and staff will be available to support applicants through the process."

Project leaders will make their case for funding to members of the public at an event to be held at the Lamplight Theatre, in Stanley, on Saturday, May 7, at 10am.

For more information about AAPs in County Durham, visit durham.gov.uk/aap For more information about Stanley AAP, call 01207-218926.