DOZENS of tenants are expected to attend a housing body’s third annual conference tomorrow.

The conference, organised by Derwentside Homes, takes place in South Stanley Community Centre, in Tyne Road, Stanley from 10am to 3pm.

Organisers say around 150 housing tenants are expected to attend the event, which will be a chance to find out more about services and discuss concerns with other tenants as well as other landlords, Derwentside Homes' officers and local councillors.

Derwentside Homes was set up as a social landlord in 2006 to manage 6,700 homes previously owned by Derwentside District Council following a tenants ballot to opt out of council control.

Derwentside Homes' Community Investment Manager Susan Gowland said: "We appreciate that times are tough for many tenants during the credit crunch and finances are often at the forefront of people's minds.

"Our third tenants' conference has been given the theme of 'Healthy Wealthy Safe and Sound' as we believe that these are crucial issues when it comes to protecting our tenants' health and wellbeing."

There will be a varierty of family entertainment at the event, as well as attractions for adults.

Workshops will take place throughout the day highlighting the work of the Crown Prosecution Service, Victim Support and the primary care trust.