ANIMAL wardens are keen to trace the owner of a very poorly young dog left at a depot in Darlington.

The stray dog was handed in at the Vicarage Road depot yesterday lunchtime, by a man who told staff he had found it in a shed on the Lascelles estate.

He gave a name and address which turned out to be false and made an excuse and left when asked for telephone number.

Staff at the Darlington Borough Council-run depot said the dog had been in distress for some considerable time.

It was taken to local vets who said that it was an extremely advanced case of mange and mite infection.

Antibiotics and medicinal wash was dispensed and the dog was taken to kennels near Durham, where it will be nursed back to full health.

Councillor Nick Wallis said: “I have seen the photos of this poor dog and I am completely shocked that his owner has allowed him to get into this state.

“This is one of the most poorly animals that our dog wardens have ever dealt with.

“I hope that anyone with information about the identity and the whereabouts of the owner will come forward and help us to successfully deal with this case.”

Dog wardens will make further inquiries with a view to prosecution for neglect.

Anyone with more information about the dog’s owner can call the dog warden team, in confidence, on 01325-346831.