AN outgoing club president handed over a cheque to a deserving charity as one of her last acts before handing over the reins.

Jackie Morris, from Darlington Women’s Club, handed over a cheque to Val Mitchell, from domestic abuse charity Family Help, at a recent meeting of the club.

Ms Mitchell told the meeting that she understood from personal experience the invauable support the charity offered.

The club’s donation will be used to improve its helpline and upgrade the kitchens at its Darlington base.

Peter Barron, editor of The Northern Echo, was guest speaker at the meeting.

He added his fee for the speaking engagement to the donation from the Women’s Club Following Mr Barron’s talk, the club’s annual meeting was held, wiith the outgoing president handing her chain of office to her successor, Sandra Geraghty.

The next meeting of the club will be held in October.

For more information, call secretary Susan Kirkbride, on 01833-637934.