A DELIVERY man caused £6,500 worth of damage when he crashed into a bus shelter on his way home from a first date.

The woman who Tony Adams, 27, took out in Darlington, has however decided not to pursue the relationship while he faces criminal charges.

Adams, appeared yesterday at Darlington Magistrates Court, and pleaded guilty to driving while above the alcohol limit and driving without due care and attention.

Adams, who has since been sacked from his job with delivery service City Link, crashed into the bus shelter and iron railings on North Road, Darlington on May 8 at about 1am.

He had parked his car after work at the town hall’s carpark, the court heard. He then went for a few drinks with a woman in the town. Jonathan Harley, mitigating, said: “The date was going so well he stayed out for a lot longer than he had intended to. He had several pints of lager and cider. The date came to an end and she took a taxi home.

“He was due to go to work the next morning and he couldn’t remember his friends’ address (where he was staying that night) to give to a taxi driver.

“In his skewed logic he decided to drive to his friends house himself.”

Jonathan Bambro, prosecuting, said: “A City Link van collided with some railings near Morrisons supermarket and also demolished a bus stop shelter.

“When police arrived the driver of the van was seen leaning against the wall of Morrisons.

“The police officer smelt intoxicants on his breath and he was taken to the police station where he was found to have 81 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.”

Adams was covered by his work’s insurance for the crash, who paid for the £6,500 repair bill.

The court heard how he is currently unemployed and lives at Thistle Walk, Colburn, in Catterick Garrison.

Hilary Payne, from the probation service, prepared a report on Adams. She said: “He lives with his parents and has debts of £11,000. He says he only drinks on a social basis.”

On Ms Payne’s recommendation, due to his financial difficulties, magistrates chose not to give Adams a large fine.

He was given a community order of 100 hours unpaid work, disqualified from driving for 40 months, and ordered to pay £85 in court costs.

Jonathan Harley added: “The girl he went on the date with doesn’t want to know him now because of his stupidity.”