COUNCILLORS will visit the site of a controversial proposed access road for a golf club.

At a meeting held on Tuesday at the town hall, Darlington Borough Council's planning committee voted to visit Sparrow Hall Drive and conduct a second traffic survey.

Plans for Darlington Golf Club to construct a 32-metre road and footpath from Sparrow Hall Drive direct to the club had been recommended for approval by planning officers. The road would be used instead of a 600-metre track, known as Green Lane, from Whinfield Road.

The plans have been fiercely contested by residents of Sparrow Hall Drive and the surrounding area, who say the road will increase traffic, create a "rat run", and could be dangerous. Three objectors, along with Nick Wallis, ward councillor for Haughton West, spoke at the meeting.

The council also received 20 letters of objection.

Coun Wallis said: "We have posted 274 letters to residents and received 158 responses.

"So far there is a 3/1 ratio against the building of the access road."

Many residents complained that the access road would lead drivers to use it and Green Lane to miss the junction in Whinbush Way and avoid the traffic lights at Asda in Springfield Road.

The council carried out a traffic survey on the area and the golf club has said that a maximum of 12 cars an hour will travel on the new access road.

Coun Wallis added: "It's a busy residential road, and at peak times, the golf club generates many more than 12 cars an hour. Residents have stated that this will also have an impact on parking and speed."

David Proud, representing the golf club, said that staggered tee-off times meant the traffic implication for Sparrow Hall Drive would be minimal.

Mr Proud added: "Green Lane is very narrow and is often dangerous for cars. We have agreed with the farmer who also uses Green Lane that it can be closed if these plans are approved therefore stopping the possibility of a 'rat run' being created.

"We have 60-70 car parking spaces and an overspill field so members will not be using the road to park."

Councillors voted to conduct a further traffic survey