A MAJOR project to revitalise Darlington's economy could be delayed because of a Government decision to abolish regional development agencies, says a senior councillor.

Darlington Borough Council leader John Williams said the dissolution of One North East meant the council would take over implementing compulsory purchase orders for the Central Park scheme.

He said thismight delay the project as the regional body had enjoyed advanced compulsory purchase powers, which meant the acquisition of land for the development could have been done much quicker by them.

As part of its wind-down, the regional body is losing its compulsory purchase powers.

"I think it is a pity One North East is being abolished by the Government, " he told cabinet members on Tuesday.

"If it was still there, we could have done this in half the time, as they have accelerated compulsory purchase order powers to cut through red tape. Projects like this are faced with delay as a result."

The cabinet approved plans to transfer the responsibility for the compulsory purchase of land for the development from One North East to the council.