NEW apartments on a piece of land described by neighbours as a wildlife haven could be given permission after councillors visited the site.

Members of Darlington Borough Council's planning committee will decide on the future of an application for an apartment block on Pendower Street, in the town, on Wednesday.

It comes after the committee deferred its decision at a meeting in April.

Councillors wanted to visit the site, which was previously used for garages, before they made their decision.

Officers have recommended that the plans be given approval subject to a number of conditions.

Developers want to build seven one-bedroomed apartments and a studio flat in the four-storey block, which is adjacent to the Cocker Beck at the North Road end of the Denes, in Northgate Conservation Area.

The brownfield site is used as a storage unit and was previously garages.

The planning application said: "The proposed development site is within the builtup area of Darlington with the utility services available, has good local amenities and facilities and has access to public transport services.

"The redevelopment, taking into account the above factors, is eminently sustainable."

The application has caused concern in the area, with 19 people writing to the council to object to the plans, including from ward councillors and Westbrook Residents' Association.

Their concerns range from parking congestion, the flats being unsightly, the proposed height, the threat to biodiversity and wildlife, traffic, increased anti-social behaviour because of overcrowding and the felling of trees.

Residents have described the area as a "beautiful garden haven for wildlife, with trees and bushes".

As part of the planning reports to be put to the council, the urban design officer said: "The surrounding conservation area has a number of substantial properties that in terms of scale and massing are not dissimilar to the proposed development.

"It would be inappropriate to mirror the architectural features of the immediate surroundings for a number of reasons but mainly given the location there is no identifiable dominant style."

There will be provision for four off-street parking places. Because of the proximity to the town centre, the highways officer has raised no objections.

Proposed conditions include alleviating flooding and wildlife concerns.

Wednesday's meeting is at 1.30pm in the town hall.