A GROUP of volunteers in Darlington has been recognised for demonstrating good practice in volunteer recruitment and training.

During National Volunteers' Week, Mark Lever, chief executive of the Women' Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) visited the Darlington Good Neighbours scheme to meet with staff and volunteers and congratulate them on their recent award.

The awards for individuals and organisations were organised by Darlington Borough Council's voluntary services department.

The WRVS entered two categories and received an award for demonstrating good practice in volunteer recruitment and training.

The award was presented to the volunteers by The Northern Echo's editor, Peter Barron, at the 96.6TFM Darlington Arena.

The Good Neighbours scheme has opportunities available for volunteers to help their local community. For more information, contact the Darlington office on (01325) 366682 or the national line on (0845) 6014670.

Project leader Rosemary Raine-Howe said: "These awards are an opportunity to recognise some of the unsung volunteers in Darlington.

"It is an annual event and they celebrate the contributions of individuals and organisations with voluntary activity in the town.

"We have a team of 40 volunteers at the moment, which provide good neighbour services to older people including assisted shopping, befriending and dog walking."

The award was presented to the volunteers by the Northern Echo's editor, Peter Barron, at the 96.6TFM Darlington Arena.

The Darlington Good Neighbours scheme has opportunities available for volunteers to help their local community. For more information contact the Darlington office on (01325) 366682 or the national line on (0845) 6014670.