AN AWARDS ceremony will honour businesses who have made extra effort to accommodate disabled people.

The fifth Darlington Access for All Award will be presented to the business or organisation that has demonstrated a commitment to ensure their building is accessible to all.

The award is a result of the partnership between Darlington Association on Disability (Dad) and Darlington Borough Council.

Gordon Pybus, chairman of Dad, said: "This is a lot more than ramps at doorways or minimum building requirements; it's about improving access for all disabled people by eliminating barriers. The award is to recognise a business or organisation that has taken that extra step.

"We are pleased to continue working with the borough council to eliminate social exclusion and we are delighted that the mayor has agreed to present the award."

The presentation will be made at Dad's annual meeting on November 22, in the Dolphin Centre.

Nomination forms are available from the town hall. For more details, call 01325-489999.