PROTECTED land in Darlington is being damaged by vandals setting fire to public greenery.

Several areas in Red Hall have been spoiled because of fire damage, including the area’s nature reserve.

Darlington Borough Council has expressed concerns over the damage and called on residents to report such incidents to the police.

One resident said: “They’re chopping the trees up for firewood, not just setting fire to them.

“I don’t live on the estate but other places are suffering too. The trees connect to the area where I live because the land stretches to Haughton-le-Skerne, people walk their dogs through there and it looks a mess.

“Everyone knows the trees are protected – it’s disgraceful. Darlington used to be such a nice place and now it's been ruined by people who don’t care about the town.”

The fires created on the land are burning harmful material such as plastic.

Residents of Red Hall have shared their concerns over several trees which have suffered fire damage, causing them to split and turn black.

Inspector Chris Knox, from Darlington Neighbourhood Police Team, said: “Over the last few months police have responded to a number of fires in the Red Hall area of Darlington.

"We are working with the council’s ASB team to identify offenders.

“Setting fire to grassed areas, trees and roadside furniture such as street signs is arson and offenders that are identified will be prosecuted. It is a thoughtless crime.

“We urge members of the public to report such incidents and if anyone is aware of the perpetrators then please let us know.”