A FRIENDS group are inviting families and children to join a horticultural session to bring springtime to Darlington.

The Friends of Rockwell Pastures will host a primrose planting event to inspire children to get involved in gardening and to encourage them to support and appreciate nature in their neighbourhood.

Tools and plants will be provided for the Spring into Action at Rockwell event on Sunday, March 25.

Haughton youngsters are encouraged to wear coats, wellies and other appropriate outdoor clothing and they will be supported by the Friends group during the session.

Everyone in the area can join the event by meeting at the Hutton Avenue bridge, at 10.30am.

Children must be supervised and those attending the primrose planting session can stay or go as they please.

The event is being organised and supported by the Wild Green Places project, funded by the National Lottery.

For more information, call 01287-636382 or search for TVgreenplaces on Facebook.