TALENTED students have seen their designs to raise awareness of mental health issues turned into posters.

Darlington Borough Council is working with Darlington College students to feature their creative poster designs in bus shelters to highlight mental health issues, the stigma associated with them and how to get help if you suffer or know someone who is suffering.

Six of the best designs were chosen to be produced into posters thanks to funding from the NHS Darlington’s Future in Mind fund.

Matthew Leake, student and creator of one of the winning designs, said: “The campaign gave us a great opportunity to work on a live advertising campaign, with a client to a design brief with deadlines.

"I learned loads, have a great addition to my portfolio and am so proud my design will be displayed on bus stops in the town for a second year. I hope the posters make a real impact and help people."

Rachel Osbaldeston, Darlington Borough Councils public health portfolio lead said: “One in ten young people experience mental health issues and one in four adults are affected in any year. Social media, bullying and exam pressure can all increase the risk of developing low level anxiety, depression and other associated issues. The students created eye catching designs and incorporated hard hitting messages to appeal to young people. It was great to see them displayed on bus shelters last year and so we decided to repeat the campaign again.”

Councillor Cyndi Hughes, Darlington Borough Council’s cabinet member for children and young people said: “I was really impressed with the students’ design skills and am incredibly moved by their understanding and grasp of the brief they were given. It is such good news to hear that their hard work will be on display across the Borough again.”

For information visit www.time-to-change.org.uk or visit www.youngminds.org.uk