STUDENTS and staff at Darlington College laced up their boots to raise funds in support of an inspirational teenager.

Sixteen teams of students and tutors took part in a five-a side football tournament to raise money for the Ewing’s Sarcoma Cancer Research Trust.

The charity is championed by 18-year-old Kieran Maxwell who has had the incurable Ewing’s Sarcoma cancer since he was 12-years-old.

The tournament, held at Darlington College, raised more than £500 and also included personal training sessions to raise extra cash.

Winning team captain, Rob Mazur, Kieran’s learning support advisor at the college, said: “It went fantastic, our team won a convincing victory in the end, and all money goes to the special kid which is Kieran Maxwell.”

Ewing’s Sarcoma is a rare form of bone cancer and although it can be treated with chemotherapy and other drugs, there is currently no cure for it.

To donate to the Kieran Maxwell Fund to help raise money for research into the condition, visit the website