A DARLINGTON clergyman is warming up his vocal chords as he prepares to sing 533 hymns in one week for charity.

Rev Robert Williamson of St Cuthbert’s Church will sing his way thorough the book ‘Hymns Ancient & Modern New’ to raise money for the church roof repair fund and St Teresa’s Hospice.

He will sing at the church between 11am and 1pm each day, starting on Monday, and the public are invited along to donate and even join in if they wish.

Rev Robertson sang his way through a hymn book last year, raising £1,8000 in the process, and is hoping for similar generosity from visitors this year.

He said: “I like to split the money so we are not just looking after ourselves, we are also looking out for others.

“People are welcome to pop in and join in.

“By the end of the week it will be my birthday and I’m sure I’ll be ready for relaxing and chilling out.”