MUSIC, entertainment and information were on offer in Darlington town centre today (Tuesday, October 1) to celebrate UK Older People’s Day.

The day saw venues across the town host a number of events, including a ‘big draw’ in Crown Street library, while Hurworth Swing Band entertained the crowds in the Market Square.

Darlington Neighbourhood Watch Association and the police’s Safer Neighbourhood Unit were on hand to discuss crime prevention, as well as a number of stalls giving advice on staying healthy and information on volunteering opportunities.

This year’s theme - intergenerational skills sharing – also showcased the achievements of both older people and young people, including students from Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College. 

Darlington Borough Council’s older people’s champion, Councillor Veronica Copeland, said: “UK Older People’s day has been a fantastic celebration in Darlington for the past couple of years and it’s excellent to see that the events are getting bigger and better every year.

“People are living longer and older people feel that they can sometimes be a burden on society but what we want to show is that they still have a lot to give.”

The event was organised by Darlington Borough Council, Growing Older Living in Darlington, Age UK Darlington and the NHS.