NOMINATIONS opened today (Tuesday, October 1), for a series of awards that celebrate Darlington’s often unsung community heroes.

The ninth annual Best of Darlington Awards 2014, which celebrates achievements across a broad range of areas, is being launched today (Tuesday, October 1).

Organisers from Darlington Partnership are hoping for a record number of nominations.

Awards are open to all Darlington residents and students of all ages, as well as people who work in the borough.

The 14 various categories will be recognise achievements that took place during 2013 and celebrate work carried out by nominees, or commitment that goes beyond the call of duty.

Nominations close on Friday, November 22, and award categories include volunteer of the year, contribution to the community, vocational excellence, academic excellence, exceptional student and, new for 2014, exceptional teacher.

There will also be an award, called Putting Darlington on the Map, for the individual or group that has made the rest of the UK, or indeed the wider world, more aware of the town during 2013.

Nominees in all categories will be put forward for the citizen and young citizen of the year awards, with two exceptional individuals to be awarded those titles.

The event’s principal sponsors are Darlington College and Teesside University, with backing for individual award categories provided by a range of Darlington businesses, including The Northern Echo.

Nominations will be considered by a panel of judges, and the final three nominees will be invited, with their nominators, to the awards ceremony at Darlington College on the evening of Friday, March 21, when the winners will be announced.

Seth Pearson, director of Darlington Partnership, urged people to make nominations for the awards.

He said: “It’s fantastic that the Best of Darlington Awards enjoys such a high level of support and has a firm place in the hearts of Darlington people.

“My message to people is that it is all down to the nominations – that is what makes the awards so special.

“If you think somebody - or a group, organisation or company – has made an outstanding contribution, then let us know, fill in the form.”

The 2013 awards saw Dave Scott, founder of junior football club Spraire Lads and Lasses, named citizen of the year, with Darlington FC fundraiser James Charlton taking the young citizen title.

A special award was presented to the police officers and court staff who helped Darlington man Robert Hume, who suffered a heart attack at the wheel of his car near Darlington Magistrates’ Court late last year.

Nomination forms can be downloaded from Darlington Partnership’s website – – and returned by email to or to David McGregor, Student Loans Company, Memphis Building, Lingfield Point, Darlington DL1 1RW.