A SIX-FOOT high elephant themed sculpture unveiled today will stand as a tribute to the hard work of young carers in Darlington.

The sculpture, which now takes pride of place in the gardens of the Tees Valley YMCA building on Middleton Street, was created by a team of ten young carers from the area as part of the Tees Valley YMCA Young Carers Project.

It features the head of an elephant and a stylised body that is made up of clay tiles. Each young carer designed two tiles, one as a self portrait and the other as an animal they felt represented them.

The group of youngsters, aged between 11 and 14, chose an elephant theme as they thought the animal summed up the characteristics of a young carer.

Nicky Tucker, Young Carers Leader, said: “They chose an elephant because it has the same characteristics of a carer. Elephants are mothering, caring, hard working, loyal and clever.”

She added: “This project has been massive for the young carers as a lot of them are quite isolated because of their caring responsibilities.

"It has helped them to build their self esteem and confidence and let them realise they are capable of so much more, that there is a big world out there and there is a place in it for them. They have embraced the project, engaged with it and it has been fantastic.”

The sculpture was unveiled by sculptor Victoria Ferrand Scott as part of an event organised to celebrate the hard work of young carers and to mark the end of a six month arts project sponsored by the North Yorkshire and South Durham Decorative and Fine Art Society.