SMOKERS were urged to stub out their habit and swap fags for swag today (Wednesday March 13).

Stop smoking advisers were in Joseph Pease Place in Darlington to promote the ‘Swap Fag for Swag’ initiative as part of the national No Smoking Day 2013.

The project was designed to hammer home the message that smokers can save money and improve their health by giving up their habit.

Councillor Andy Scott, Darlington Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Partnerships, backed the initiative.

He said: “The easiest way anyone can improve their health is to stop smoking and No Smoking Day is a great opportunity for people to quit and lead a healthier life. It is proven that there is a direct link between smoking and a whole load of cancers and other diseases.

“Not only will you improve your health and those around you but you will also save money. Cigarettes and tobacco are so expensive. I would urge anyone who smokes to swap fags for swag this No Smoking Day and stay stopped.”

The team of advisers offered support and advice to those thinking of quitting and also offered carbon monoxide testing.

Smokers who would like advice on giving up the habit can contact the County Durham and Darlington NHS Stop Smoking Service on 0800 012 1612 or visit