IN THE North-East you can buy two litres of cider for less than £2 and some lagers are cheaper than bottled water. In fact, the average British pocket money will buy enough alcohol to drink more than twice a man’s weekly recommended limit – with change to spare!

The North-East’s alcohol problem is well documented.

We have England’s highest rates of alcohol-related deaths amongst men, alcohol-related hospital admissions and under 18s in treatment.

Alcohol is linked to half of all crime and to 40 per cent of domestic violence. It puts children and young people at risk and costs the region more than £1bn a year – or the equivalent of £887 for every taxpayer in the region.

Colin Shevills, Director of Balance, explains: “Cheap alcohol is having a devastating impact on the North-East. It’s ending lives, putting people in hospital, fuelling crime and threatening the future of our children and young people.

“We know that the more affordable alcohol is, the more people consume and the greater the troubles we face.”

In the North-East, a two litre bottle of cider is being sold for as little as £1.85. It contains 15 units of alcohol, which is more than an adult female’s recommended weekly limit.

“It makes sense that if we are to tackle the problems caused by alcohol misuse, we need to reduce consumption by increasing alcohol price,”

said Colin.

So what is a m i n i m u m unit price?

A minimum unit price will link the price of alcohol to its strength – the more units of alcohol, the higher the price.

“This is a targeted measure and will helpthosewho need it most by pricing the strongest alcohol such as strong white cider and supermarket own label vodka out of their hands,” said Colin. “More importantly, it won’t have a big impact on moderate drinkers and won’t affect the price of a pint in a community pub.”

After ten years, every year in England a minimum 50p per unit will: Save 3,393 lives; Reduce hospital admissions by 97,900; Cut crimes by 45,800; Cut unemployment by 27,100; Save 296,000 working days lost through absenteeism; Reduce the amount younger and heavier drinkers consume.

A minimum unit price is already working in Canada and is supported by the majority of North-Easterners. A minimum 50p per unit rate has been approved for Scotland.

“There is no sense in England setting the bar any lower,” said Colin.

The government is committed to the measure, however the price is yet to be set and it’s the subject of a consultation expected later this year.

Support for Balance’s campaign will be used to inform this consultation.

What will it cost me?

Research by the University of Sheffield estimates that moderate drinkers could be expected to pay just 28p a week extra on their weekly alcohol bill if a minimum 50p per unit were introduced.

Moderate drinkers stay within the recommended daily limits of no more than two to three units (or a standard glass of wine) for a woman, and three to four units (or a pint-and-a-half of regular strength beer) for a man. Drinking at or above these limits on a daily, or almost daily basis, increases the risk of a range of health conditions including cancer and stroke.

How can I get involved?

Members of the Balance team will be in a shopping centre or hospital near you over the next two months to explain what a minimum unit price is and how it will benefit the North-East. Members of the public will be offered the opportunity to back a minimum unit price of at least 50p. North-Easterners are also invited to find out more about the minimum unit price and lodge their support online at MUP