A GRANDFATHER has told how he saved his horses after an arsonist set his stables alight and then burgled his house.

John Thomson, 60, was locking up at Eston Equitation Centre, near Middlebrough, when a man came to the gate to tell him there was smoke coming from the stables.

He ran back, realised a pony, 20- year-old Spring, was inside with two other horses nearby and started tackling the fire himself while waiting for the fire brigade.

While Mr Thomson and the firefighters calmed the horses and tried to douse the fire, a teenage thief, who had almost certainly started the fire, was inside the family home.

The grandfather-of-two returned to the house to get everyone a drink after about 45 minutes dealing with the fire, only to find the burglar in the study, with his arms full of possessions.

“I was within five or six yards of catching him,” said John.

“But he must have had 40 years on me. He dropped the computer and a big bag of coins. He got out through the patio doors. I chased him, but he got away.

“He’d been in every room and tipped everything out, with mattresses strewn on the floor. He got away with a camera with family photos on it, binoculars and about £600 in cash.

“For the stuff that he’s got, I’d have given it to him rather than what he’s done. Two of the horses were terribly distressed, very, very distressed.”

Mr Thomson’s wife, Elvia, 65, saw the fire and smoke as she made her way home and drove the last mileand- a-half to the property believing it was her home that was on fire.

“She said it was the worst journey of her life,” said Mr Thomson.

Mr Thomson, a partner with his wife in the business for 30 years, discovered the fire at about 8.50pm last Thursday. The arsonist piled straw against the timber stables and set it alight.

The teenager was about 5ft 7in and wore a black tracksuit. He ran underneath the underpass towards Eston Hills, then back to the A174 towards Bankfields. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Andy Paice on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.