A MAN who died after admitting himself to hospital may have been involved in an altercation earlier in the week.

Police are keen to trace the family of Nicholas Rivers, 57, who lived in Lowson Street, Darlington.

He went to Darlington Memorial Hospital on Saturday afternoon complaining of breathing difficulties and died the following day.

A post-mortem examination has confirmed there was no third party involvement in his death and police are not treating it as suspicious.

Officers are compiling a report for the coroner and an inquest will be opened in due course.

It is believed Mr Rivers, a widower, was born and grew up in the Spennymoor area of County Durham, and may have two sisters still living there. His late parents lived in the town’s Upper Church Street.

Detective Sergeant Dave Wilkes said: “We are keen to trace Mr Rivers’ next of kin, but have so far drawn a blank.

“Our inquiries suggest he was something of a recluse but may have two sisters living in the Spennymoor area. I would urge anyone who knew him and has information that could help us establish if that is the case to contact us.

“We also want to hear from anyone who saw Mr Rivers in North Road, Darlington, in the vicinity of Morrisons on either Tuesday or Wednesday, October 18 or 19.

“We have an unsubstantiated report that he may have been involved in an altercation with two young men on that day and want to establish if that was the case.”

Durham Police can be contacted on 0345-60-60-365.