POLICE have launched an ambitious project to make Durham the UK’s safest city.

Force chiefs say Durham is already very safe and among a handful of the country’s safest cities – and that topping the table is a realistic goal.

They believe they must overtake cities such as Cambridge, Oxford, Lincoln and York, but have vowed to continue their campaign for as long it takes, until it is successful.

Paul Anderson, neighbourhood inspector for Durham, said: “When you ask members of the public about levels of crime, their perception is almost always out of touch with reality.

“Many people imagine there are 30, 40 or even 50 crimes a day in Durham city centre, when the actual figure is three.”

The Safe City initiative was launched in Durham Market Place yesterday, where a mobile police station was set up and organisers chatted with people who live in the city, shoppers and visitors.

The project includes: 􀁥 Increasing patrols by police and street wardens; 􀁥 Merging existing Pubwatch and Shopwatch schemes to produce a better co-ordinated approach; 􀁥 Offering a drug or alcohol advice referral to anyone arrested; 􀁥 Encouraging students to be considerate to their neighbours.

A riverside ranger has also been recruited to tackle alcohol and drug problems along the banks of the River Wear.

The campaign will be regularly assessed against recorded crime levels, reports of anti-social behaviour and public confidence.

It was launched following a Durham Town Hall meeting this summer, where residents, councillors and business leaders discussed issues facing the city, and possible solutions.

Insp Anderson said: “We will be working very closely with colleagues in various organisations, such as the county council, the university and Safe Durham Partnership to make this a success.

“Durham is already a safe city, with crime down seven per cent in the past 12 months, but our intention is to make it the safest in the country.”

Mark Gilbank, chairman of Durham Shopwatch, said: “I feel Durham is a much, much safer place than it was and we’re proud of what we’re doing here.

“This is David Cameron’s Big Society in action. I’m really confident we can make Durham the safest city in the UK.”

To report a crime, call Durham Police on 0345-60-60- 365.