A TRANSPORT U-turn which could see some threatened rural bus services saved has been welcomed by teenage campaigners.

After bus operator Arriva announced plans to withdraw some routes from Teesdale, friends Caitlin Brennan, Anna Renfrew and Anisha Harris launched a fight to save the services.

They collected more than 800 signatures on a petition and took their case to a meeting of Durham County Council’s cabinet.

Yesterday, the council confirmed that it was looking at diverting subsidy from routes which are being scrapped, to ensure no village was left without a bus service.

Councillor Neil Foster, cabinet member for regeneration and economic development, said: “Since Arriva’s announcement to withdraw these services, we have been exploring with other local operators to see whether anyone else could run them without council subsidy.

“Unfortunately, nobody yet has come forward to replace them on a fully commercial basis.

“Given the financial situation the council is facing, there is no additional funding to continue these services.

However, some of the cancelled routes were already receiving an element of funding support from the council and therefore the withdrawal by Arriva had released a modest amount of funding.

“While it will not be possible to continue running every route on the current timetables, we are working with local communities to see where best to use this funding in order to address some of the key priorities, with the aim of ensuring that no community is left without a bus service.”

After hearing the news, Miss Brennan, 15, from Cotherstone, said: “I’m surprised that they’ve turned around and said they’re going to do this. Originally they said they hadn’t got any money.

“But it’s nice to know they’re listening to us, which it seems they are. We understand cuts have to be made.

I’m pleased to hear this.”

Miss Brennan said she and her friends would be happy to hold talks with transport chiefs.

From January, Arriva will no longer operate the 95 and 96 services, serving Mickleton, Romaldkirk, Cotherstone and Lartington. The firm will also stop running the 84 and 85 services between Barnard Castle and Darlington via Cockfield.